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Top Reads of the Week

Greentick Thought Leadership
Ed Co reports quarterly. In its first quarter interim report for the current year, it used the same accounting policies as in its latest annual financial statements. Ed Co wants to make a voluntary change in accounting policy starting in its second quarter interim report. Is Ed Co permitted to do so?
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In assessing SICR, many banks apply a quantitative element based on the change in the lifetime probability of default (LPD) of the financial asset. Should a change in prepayment expectations that does not arise from a credit downgrade of the borrower be included into the assessment of the change in LPD?
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P Ltd is the sole distributor of electricity to consumers in a particular geographical area. Amongst several other customers, it also supplies electricity to its subsidiary S Ltd at rates set by an independent rate-setting authority which are applicable to all customers of P Ltd. Whether the above transaction is required to be disclosed as a related party transaction in the financial statements of P Ltd and S Ltd.?
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Ind AS 37 requires that for a liability to qualify for recognition, there must be not only a present obligation but also the probability of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits to settle that obligation. What is the meaning of the word “probable” in the context of Ind AS 37?
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As per Ind AS 28, an entity loses significant influence over an investee when it loses the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of that investee. Whether restrictions on transfer of funds from the investee to the entity, preclude the existence of significant influence of entity over the investee?
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A club enters into an arrangement to have an exclusive right to use a specific auditorium every Saturday and Sunday for a five year period to screen movies for its members. During rest of the week, the owner of the auditorium can use it for any other purpose. Whether the above contract meets the definition of lease?
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An exclusive compilation which presents extracts of ‘audit trail’ reporting done by auditors of sample companies for FY 2024 and lucidly analyses and highlights key reporting aspects.
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The 'Model Ind AS Financial Statements' comprises of a Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2024, Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended 31 March 2024, Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 March 2024, Statement of Cash flows for the year ended 31 March 2024 and Notes to the Financial Statements.
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An excel based ‘tool’ which determines the Accounting Standards (AS) applicable and Exemptions/ Relaxations available to your entity w.e.f financial year 2024-25, within seconds.
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Veteran Auditor Mr. Dolphy D’Souza (i) touches upon the 17 SDGs of the UN and the 9 NGRBC principles, (ii) discusses the alignment of BRSR with ESG reporting, (iii) provides an overview of BRSR Report, and (iv) pens down an expert analysis of BRSR’s clause-wise disclosures and their implications on the financial statements and statutory audit report.
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Veteran Auditor Mr. Dolphy D’Souza provides his razor-sharp analysis of two proposed IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, namely–(i) IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information (general requirements proposal) and (ii) IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures (climate proposal).
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Top companies disclose details w.r.t affiliations with trade and industry chambers, corrective action taken on anti-competitive conduct, and public policies advocated.
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Taking Excerpts from the book titled "Accounting & Auditing – A Checklist Approach", we bring to you an extract of checklist vis-a-vis “Ind AS-23 Borrowing Costs”, which can be downloaded in excel format.
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Taking Excerpts from the book titled "Accounting & Auditing – A Checklist Approach", we bring to you an extract of checklist vis-a-vis “SA 570-Going Concern”, which can be downloaded in excel format.
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Exclusive excel-based timely dossier titled “CARO Checklist”, applicable from financial year 2022-23.
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