A Treasure Trove of over 400+ Ind AS FAQs pertaining to India Inc, edited by Ind AS Expert Dr. Anand Banka
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Companies sometimes, use general borrowings for funding both qualifying asset as well as regular operations. Times may occur when funds may remain idle for sometime and thus companies may in...
Companies sometimes exchange intangible assets with other entities. For example:- LMN Ltd. acquired a Patent right of manufacturing a drug from XYZ Ltd. In exchange LMN Ltd. gives its In...
IndAS 37 provides guidance on disclosure of contingent asset.
Entity X provides a Customer Y with refrigerators to store the purchased chemicals at the premises of Customer Y. However, the refrigerators are not mentioned or promised to Customer Y in th...
Entity X (customer) enters into an arrangement for a period of six years with Entity Y (supplier) for the right to store its gas in a specified storage tank that has no separate compartments...
ABC Ltd. takes on lease a crossover which is explicitly specified in the contract, for a period of two years. As per the contract, ABC Ltd. can drive it only up to a maximum of 2,00,000 kilo...